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CIF Graded Concussion Symptom Checklist

source code by Travis Stone, ATC

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Jan  6 14:47:17 2023

#Travis Stone, ATC



correct = True
while correct:
    name = input("username:")
    if name == "username".lower():
        pw = input("password:")
    if pw == "password":
    if pw != "password":
        pwi = input("Wrong, Try Again? y/n")
        if pwi == "y".lower():
            correct = True
    if name != "username".lower():
        uni = input("Wrong, Try Again? y/n")
        if uni == "y".lower():
            correct == True
#BMI program

Height = int(input("Enter your Height in cm: ")) 
Weight = int(input("Enter your Weight in kg: "))
BMI = Weight / (Height/100)**2.
print("Your Body Mass Index (BMI) is: ", BMI)


#BMI classifier low mass, standard mass, high mass, exessive mass, extreme mass

if BMI < 18.5 :
    print("low mass", BMI)
if BMI == 18.5-24.9:
    print("standard mass", BMI)
if BMI == 25-29.9:
    print("high mass", BMI)
if BMI == 30-39.9:
    print("excessive mass", BMI)
if BMI > 40:
    print("extreme mass", BMI)
#Estimated Maximum Heart-Rate
Age = int(input("Enter your age in years according to the Gregorian Calendar: "))
MaxHeartRate = int(220-Age)
print("Your estimated Maximum Heart-Rate is: ", MaxHeartRate)

#greeting after verification  
EyeColor = input("PROTECT YOUR SCREEN VISIBILITY NOW! What is your eye color? Enter it Here: ")
Name = input("Sensitive information viewing expected! What is your legal name? Enter it Here: ")
pw =input("Entering your Password assumes full responsibility for the next screen! What is your current pw? Enter it Here: ")
print(" Welcome, your respective data points are: [Name, Height, Weight, BMI, Age, Maximum Heart-Rate, Eye-Color] " )


#dependent program for Sensitive Information 
SensitiveInformation = list[Name, Height, Weight, BMI, Age, MaxHeartRate, EyeColor]


#CIFGradedConcussionSymptomsC @CIFSTATE.ORG cif 052015


#Subjective and Objective
DateOfInjury = int(input("When did The Suspected concussion happen:"))
TodaysDate = int(input("Todays Date ddmmyear, no spaces: "))
DiagnosisDate = int(input("Date of Diagnosis or Dr appointment ddmmyear, no spaces: "))
NumberOfConcussions = str(input("What is the Number of concussions you have had in the past:"))
ConcussionClearance = str(input("When were you cleared of your most recent concussion:"))
Birthday = int(input("When were you born ddmmyear, no spaces: "))
Time = str(input("What time  is this being taken: "))
Sleep = int(input("How Many Hours of Sleep did you get last night: "))
Name = str(input("What is your legal name: "))
ScoreType = str(input("If this Document is a Baseline Score Type Baseline: If this Document is a Post Concussion Score Type Post Concussion: "))
CapabilityPerception = str(input("Do you feel ready to Return to full activity: "))
Sport = str(input("What activity were you doing when the Head Injury occured: "))
Organization = str(input("What is the name of the organization you are with: "))
PhysicianMD_DO = str(input("Do you understand the injured persons Primary Care Physician needs to sign a release form before return to normal activity TYPE Yes or No: "))


instructionsA = str(input("Note These Symptoms may not all be related to a concussion. Grade the 22+ Symptoms with a score of 0 through 6. "))
instructionsB = str(input("You can fill this out at the beginning of the season as a baseline, after a good night's sleep "))
instructionsC = str(input("if you suffer a suspected concussion, use this checklist to record your symptoms each day. Be consistent and try to grade either at the beginning or end of each day"))
instructionsD = str(input("There is no scale to compare your total score to; this checklist help you follow your symptoms on a day to day basis"))
instructionsE = str(input("If your Total Scores are not Decreasing, See Your Physician Right Away"
instructionsF = str(input("Show your baseline and daily checks to your physician"))

#Symptom questions

Headache = int(input("Headache - Zero is nothing 6 Is the worst possible, Rate it 0-6: "))
PreassureWithinHead = int(input("Preassure in your head - Zero is nothing 6 Is the worst possible, Rate it 0-6: "))
NeckPain = int(input("Neck Pain - Zero is nothing 6 Is the worst possible, Rate it 0-6: "))
Nausea = int(input("Nausea - Zero is nothing 6 Is the worst possible, Rate it 0-6: "))
Vomiting = int(input("Vomiting - Zero is nothing 6 Is the worst possible, Rate it 0-6: "))
Dizziness = int(input("Dizziness - Zero is nothing 6 Is the worst possible, Rate it 0-6: "))
BlurredVision = int(input("Blurred Vission - Zero is nothing 6 Is the worst possible, Rate it 0-6: "))
BalanceProblems = int(input("Balance Problems - Zero is nothing 6 Is the worst possible, Rate it 0-6: "))
SensitivityToLight = int(input("Sensitivity to light - Zero is nothing 6 Is the worst possible, Rate it 0-6: "))
SensitivityToNoise = int(input("Sensitivity to noise - Zero is nothing 6 Is the worst possible, Rate it 0-6: "))
FeelingSlowedDown = int(input("Feeling Slowed Down - Zero is nothing 6 Is the worst possible, Rate it 0-6: "))
FeelingLikeWithinaFog = int(input("Feeling like you are in a fog - Zero is nothing 6 Is the worst possible, Rate it 0-6: "))
DontFeelRight = int(input("Dont Feel Right - Zero is nothing 6 Is the worst possible, Rate it 0-6: "))
DifficultyConcentrating = int(input("Difficulty Concentrating - Zero is nothing 6 Is the worst possible, Rate it 0-6: "))
DifficultyRemembering = int(input("Difficulty Remembering - Zero is nothing 6 Is the worst possible, Rate it 0-6: "))
Fatigue  = int(input("Fatigue - Zero is nothing 6 Is the worst possible, Rate it 0-6: "))
LowEnergy = int(input("Low Energy - Zero is nothing 6 Is the worst possible, Rate it 0-6: "))
Confusion = int(input("Confusion - Zero is nothing 6 Is the worst possible, Rate it 0-6: "))
Drowsiness = int(input("Drowiness - Zero is nothing 6 Is the worst possible, Rate it 0-6: "))
TroubleFallingAsleep = int(input("Trouble Falling Asleep since the injury - Zero is nothing 6 Is the worst possible Rate it 0-6: "))
MoreEmotionalThanUsual = int(input("Are you more Emotional than usual - Zero is nothing 6 Is the worst possible Rate it 0-6: "))
Irritability = int(input("Irritability - Zero is nothing 6 Is the worst possible Rate it 0-6: "))
Sadness = int(input("Sadness - Zero is nothing 6 Is the worst possible Rate it 0-6: "))
Nervous = int(input("Nervous - Zero is nothing 6 Is the worst possible Rate it 0-6: "))
Anxious = int(input("Anxious - Zero is nothing 6 Is the worst possible Rate it 0-6: "))

TotalSymptomsScore = Headache + PreassureWithinHead + NeckPain + Nausea + Vomiting + Dizziness + BlurredVision + BalanceProblems + SensitivityToLight + SensitivityToNoise + FeelingSlowedDown + FeelingLikeWithinaFog + DontFeelRight + DifficultyConcentrating + DifficultyRemembering + Fatigue + LowEnergy + Confusion + Drowsiness + TroubleFallingAsleep + MoreEmotionalThanUsual + Irritability + Sadness + Nervous + Anxious

Symptoms = 0

while TotalSymptomsScore >= 0:
    print("Total Symptoms Score: ", TotalSymptomsScore)
    print("This is a ", ScoreType, "Evaluation, On Today's Date & Time: ", TodaysDate, "," , Time )
    print("Date Of Injury: ", DateOfInjury)
    print("Diagnosis Date: ", DiagnosisDate)
    print(CapabilityPerception,", when asked if ready to return to", Sport, "for ",Organization)
    print(Name, "has had", NumberOfConcussions, "concussions, and was last cleared", ConcussionClearance)
    print("Hours of sleep last night: ", Sleep)
    print("Your Body Mass Index (BMI) is: ", BMI)
    print("Your estimated maximum Heart-Rate is: ", MaxHeartRate)
    TotalSymptomsScore +=1


Open Source concussion tracking program to add data and create a safer environment for all

Project 1

CIF Graded Concussion Symptom Checklist

Source code by Travis Stone, ATC

Follow Up

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Jan  6 14:47:17 2023

#Travis Stone, ATC



correct = True
while correct:
    name = input("username:")
    if name == "username".lower():
        pw = input("password:")
    if pw == "password":
    if pw != "password":
        pwi = input("Wrong, Try Again? y/n")
        if pwi == "y".lower():
            correct = True
    if name != "username".lower():
        uni = input("Wrong, Try Again? y/n")
        if uni == "y".lower():
            correct == True


#CIFGradedConcussionSymptomsC @CIFSTATE.ORG cif 052015

#Subjective and Objective
DateOfInjury = int(input("When did The Suspected concussion happen:"))
TodaysDate = int(input("Todays Date ddmmyear, no spaces: "))
DiagnosisDate = int(input("Date of Diagnosis or Dr appointment ddmmyear, no spaces: "))
NumberOfConcussions = str(input("What is the Number of concussions you have had in the past:"))
ConcussionClearance = str(input("When were you cleared of your most recent concussion:"))
Birthday = int(input("When were you born ddmmyear, no spaces: "))
Time = str(input("What time  is this being taken: "))
Sleep = int(input("How Many Hours of Sleep did you get last night: "))
Name = str(input("What is your legal name: "))
ScoreType = str(input("If this Document is a Baseline Score Type Baseline: If this Document is a Post Concussion Score Type Post Concussion: "))
CapabilityPerception = str(input("Do you feel ready to Return to full activity: "))
Sport = str(input("What activity were you doing when the Head Injury occured: "))
Organization = str(input("What is the name of the organization you are with: "))
PhysicianMD_DO = str(input("Do you understand the injured persons Primary Care Physician needs to sign a release form before return to normal activity TYPE Yes or No: "))


instructionsA = str(input("Note These Symptoms may not all be related to a concussion. Grade the 22+ Symptoms with a score of 0 through 6. "))
instructionsB = str(input("You can fill this out at the beginning of the season as a baseline, after a good night's sleep "))
instructionsC = str(input("if you suffer a suspected concussion, use this checklist to record your symptoms each day. Be consistent and try to grade either at the beginning or end of each day"))
instructionsD = str(input("There is no scale to compare your total score to; this checklist help you follow your symptoms on a day to day basis"))
instructionsE = str(input("If your Total Scores are not Decreasing, See Your Physician Right Away"
instructionsF = str(input("Show your baseline and daily checks to your physician"))

#Symptom questions

Headache = int(input("Headache - Zero is nothing 6 Is the worst possible, Rate it 0-6: "))
PreassureWithinHead = int(input("Preassure in your head - Zero is nothing 6 Is the worst possible, Rate it 0-6: "))
NeckPain = int(input("Neck Pain - Zero is nothing 6 Is the worst possible, Rate it 0-6: "))
Nausea = int(input("Nausea - Zero is nothing 6 Is the worst possible, Rate it 0-6: "))
Vomiting = int(input("Vomiting - Zero is nothing 6 Is the worst possible, Rate it 0-6: "))
Dizziness = int(input("Dizziness - Zero is nothing 6 Is the worst possible, Rate it 0-6: "))
BlurredVision = int(input("Blurred Vission - Zero is nothing 6 Is the worst possible, Rate it 0-6: "))
BalanceProblems = int(input("Balance Problems - Zero is nothing 6 Is the worst possible, Rate it 0-6: "))
SensitivityToLight = int(input("Sensitivity to light - Zero is nothing 6 Is the worst possible, Rate it 0-6: "))
SensitivityToNoise = int(input("Sensitivity to noise - Zero is nothing 6 Is the worst possible, Rate it 0-6: "))
FeelingSlowedDown = int(input("Feeling Slowed Down - Zero is nothing 6 Is the worst possible, Rate it 0-6: "))
FeelingLikeWithinaFog = int(input("Feeling like you are in a fog - Zero is nothing 6 Is the worst possible, Rate it 0-6: "))
DontFeelRight = int(input("Dont Feel Right - Zero is nothing 6 Is the worst possible, Rate it 0-6: "))
DifficultyConcentrating = int(input("Difficulty Concentrating - Zero is nothing 6 Is the worst possible, Rate it 0-6: "))
DifficultyRemembering = int(input("Difficulty Remembering - Zero is nothing 6 Is the worst possible, Rate it 0-6: "))
Fatigue  = int(input("Fatigue - Zero is nothing 6 Is the worst possible, Rate it 0-6: "))
LowEnergy = int(input("Low Energy - Zero is nothing 6 Is the worst possible, Rate it 0-6: "))
Confusion = int(input("Confusion - Zero is nothing 6 Is the worst possible, Rate it 0-6: "))
Drowsiness = int(input("Drowiness - Zero is nothing 6 Is the worst possible, Rate it 0-6: "))
TroubleFallingAsleep = int(input("Trouble Falling Asleep since the injury - Zero is nothing 6 Is the worst possible Rate it 0-6: "))
MoreEmotionalThanUsual = int(input("Are you more Emotional than usual - Zero is nothing 6 Is the worst possible Rate it 0-6: "))
Irritability = int(input("Irritability - Zero is nothing 6 Is the worst possible Rate it 0-6: "))
Sadness = int(input("Sadness - Zero is nothing 6 Is the worst possible Rate it 0-6: "))
Nervous = int(input("Nervous - Zero is nothing 6 Is the worst possible Rate it 0-6: "))
Anxious = int(input("Anxious - Zero is nothing 6 Is the worst possible Rate it 0-6: "))

TotalSymptomsScore = Headache + PreassureWithinHead + NeckPain + Nausea + Vomiting + Dizziness + BlurredVision + BalanceProblems + SensitivityToLight + SensitivityToNoise + FeelingSlowedDown + FeelingLikeWithinaFog + DontFeelRight + DifficultyConcentrating + DifficultyRemembering + Fatigue + LowEnergy + Confusion + Drowsiness + TroubleFallingAsleep + MoreEmotionalThanUsual + Irritability + Sadness + Nervous + Anxious

Symptoms = 0

while TotalSymptomsScore >= 0:
    print("Total Symptoms Score: ", TotalSymptomsScore)
    print("This is a ", ScoreType, "Evaluation, On Today's Date & Time: ", TodaysDate, "," , Time )
    print("Date Of Injury: ", DateOfInjury)
    print("Diagnosis Date: ", DiagnosisDate)
    print(CapabilityPerception,", when asked if ready to return to", Sport, "for ",Organization)
    print(Name, "has had", NumberOfConcussions, "concussions, and was last cleared", ConcussionClearance)
    print("Hours of sleep last night: ", Sleep)
    TotalSymptomsScore +=1


Electronic Medical Record

This Electronic Medical Record Will allow the user to access multiple health tools as securely as possible. With built in measures to help the user keep the information secure this is a

great healthy lifestyle tool.

This EMR is:

written in Python 

multiple security measures

accepts client user information

estimates maximum heart rate

estimates BMI

Microsoft word Documentation

website qr code.png
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