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Epidemiological data collector for Department of Health & Human Services

class SomatoMetrics:

def __init__(self, height, weight, age):

self.height = height

self.weight = weight

self.age = age

def calculate_bmi(self):

return self.weight / (self.height / 100)**2.

def calculate_maximum_heart_rate(self):

return 220 - self.age

def get_sensitive_information(self):

return [self.height, self.weight, self.calculate_bmi(), self.age,

self.calculate_maximum_heart_rate(), self.eye_color,]

if __name__ == "__main__":

height = float(input("Enter your height in cm: "))

weight = float(input("Enter your weight in kg: "))

age = float(input("Enter your age in years: "))

somato_metrics = SomatoMetrics(height, weight, age)

print("Your BMI is", somato_metrics.calculate_bmi())

print("Your estimated maximum heart rate is", somato_metrics.calculate_maximum_heart_rate())

print("Your sensitive information is", somato_metrics.get_sensitive_information())

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